পাতিলেবু/কাগজিলেবু - Citrus acida
Found In - Cultivated in West Bengal. Description - It is a thorny wild bush. Leaves are skinlike. Leaves are subspherical, egglike, has sharp edges. Flowers are small, white or pink. Fruits are circular, egglike. Fruit layer is thin, greencoloured, sowr, smelly. Contains Vitamin-C. Time Of Flowering And Fruiting - April to June. Uses - Leaves - Used to treat Fileria. Fruits - Used as stomachic, virus killer. Helps to treat digestive problem, liver problem, intestinal problem, tiredness, thirstiness, eye problem, viral problem, cough and cold. Cultivated In - Belle Doash and Red Doash is used for cultivation. Needs proper irrigation.